{ self, unstable, ... } @ inputs: { "sefidel@alpha" = self.lib.mkHome { username = "sefidel"; hostname = "alpha"; pkgs = import unstable { system = "x86_64-linux"; overlays = with inputs; [ rust.overlays.default neovim-nightly.overlays.default nur.overlay nixpkgs-wayland.overlay ]; }; extraModules = [ ./profiles/populate.nix ./profiles/base ./profiles/gui ./profiles/browsing ./profiles/development ./profiles/communication ./profiles/multimedia ./profiles/creative ./profiles/research ./profiles/security ./profiles/gaming inputs.sops-nix.homeManagerModules.sops ]; version = "22.05"; }; "sefidel@haruka" = self.lib.mkHome { username = "sefidel"; hostname = "haruka"; pkgs = import unstable { system = "x86_64-linux"; overlays = with inputs; [ rust.overlays.default neovim-nightly.overlays.default nur.overlay nixpkgs-wayland.overlay # TODO: fractional scaling is broken on 1.8+ (final: prev: { sway-unwrapped = (prev.sway-unwrapped.override({ wlroots = prev.wlroots_0_16; })) .overrideAttrs(rec { version = "1.8.1"; src = prev.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "swaywm"; repo = "sway"; rev = version; hash = "sha256-WxnT+le9vneQLFPz2KoBduOI+zfZPhn1fKlaqbPL6/g="; }; patches = [ (prev.fetchpatch { name = "Fix-libinput-switch-case.patch"; url = "https://github.com/swaywm/sway/commit/dee032d0a0ecd958c902b88302dc59703d703c7f.patch"; sha256 = "sha256-dx+7MpEiAkxTBnJcsT3/1BO8rYRfNLecXmpAvhqGMD0="; }) ]; }); }) ]; }; extraModules = [ ./profiles/populate.nix ./profiles/base ./profiles/gui ./profiles/browsing ./profiles/development ./profiles/communication ./profiles/multimedia ./profiles/creative ./profiles/research ./profiles/security inputs.sops-nix.homeManagerModules.sops ]; version = "23.11"; }; "sefidel@cobalt" = self.lib.mkHome { username = "sefidel"; hostname = "cobalt"; pkgs = import unstable { system = "x86_64-linux"; overlays = with inputs; [ rust.overlays.default neovim-nightly.overlay ]; }; extraModules = [ ./profiles/populate.nix ./profiles/base ./profiles/development ]; version = "23.05"; }; }