{ config, lib, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.modules.services.blocky; in { options.modules.services.blocky = { enable = mkEnableOption ""; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { services.blocky = { enable = true; settings = { ports = { # Safety: NixOS firewall should block public access to 53. # Only machines connected to the tailscale is able to reach the service. dns = 53; http = ""; }; upstream.default = [ "https://dns.quad9.net/dns-query" "https://one.one.one.one/dns-query" ]; upstreamTimeout = "10s"; # For initially solving DoH/DoT Requests when no system Resolver is available bootstrapDns = { upstream = "https://dns.quad9.net/dns-query"; ips = [ "" "" ]; }; caching = { minTime = "0m"; maxTime = "12h"; cacheTimeNegative = "1m"; prefetching = true; }; prometheus.enable = true; queryLog.type = "console"; conditional = { fallbackUpstream = true; }; blocking = { blackLists = { ads = [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/blocklistproject/Lists/master/ads.txt" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/blocklistproject/Lists/master/phishing.txt" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/blocklistproject/Lists/master/tracking.txt" ]; }; clientGroupsBlock = { default = [ "ads" ]; }; }; }; }; services.prometheus = { enable = true; globalConfig.scrape_interval = "15s"; globalConfig.evaluation_interval = "15s"; scrapeConfigs = [{ job_name = "blocky"; static_configs = [{ targets = [ "" ]; }]; }]; }; services.grafana = { settings = { # Required for blocky panel panels.disable_sanitize_html = true; }; provision = { enable = true; datasources.settings = { datasources = [{ name = "Prometheus"; type = "prometheus"; access = "proxy"; orgId = 1; uid = "5Z0Y8D3GXAMDODSF"; url = "${toString config.services.prometheus.port}"; isDefault = true; jsonData = { graphiteVersion = "1.1"; tlsAuth = false; tlsAuthWithCACert = false; }; version = 1; editable = true; }]; }; dashboards.settings = { providers = [{ name = "My Dashboards"; options.path = "/etc/grafana-dashboards"; }]; }; }; }; environment.etc."grafana-dashboards/blocky_rev3.json" = { source = ./grafana_blocky_rev3.json; group = "grafana"; user = "grafana"; }; }; }