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path: root/fnl/nvrc/macro/event.fnl
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Diffstat (limited to 'fnl/nvrc/macro/event.fnl')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/macro/event.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/macro/event.fnl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3453431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fnl/nvrc/macro/event.fnl
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+(import-macros {: as->} :nvrc.macro.thread)
+(local {: format} string)
+(local {: insert : concat} table)
+(local {: fn? : gensym-checksum : vlua} (require :nvrc.macro.toolkit))
+(fn last [xs]
+  (. xs (length xs)))
+(fn ->str [x]
+  (tostring x))
+(fn includes? [xs x]
+  (accumulate [is? false _ v (ipairs xs) :until is?]
+    (= v x)))
+(lambda au! [name ...]
+  "Defines an autocommand group using the vim API."
+  `(do
+     (vim.cmd ,(format "augroup %s" name))
+     (vim.cmd :autocmd!)
+     (do
+       ,...)
+     (vim.cmd "augroup END")))
+(lambda aub! [name ...]
+  "Defines a buffer-local autocommand group using the vim API."
+  `(do
+     (vim.cmd ,(format "augroup %s" name))
+     (vim.cmd "autocmd! * <buffer>")
+     (do
+       ,...)
+     (vim.cmd "augroup END")))
+(lambda ac! [events pattern ...]
+  "Defines an autocommand using the vim API."
+  (let [events (as-> [$ events] (if (sequence? $) $ [$])
+                     (icollect [_ v (ipairs $)]
+                       (->str v)) (concat $ ","))
+        pattern (as-> [$ pattern] (if (sequence? $) $ [$])
+                      (icollect [_ v (ipairs $)]
+                        (->str v)) (concat $ ","))
+        once? (or (includes? [...] `++once) (includes? [...] :++once))
+        nested? (or (includes? [...] `++nested) (includes? [...] :++nested))
+        command (last [...])]
+    (if (fn? command)
+        (let [fsym (gensym-checksum "__" command)]
+          `(do
+             (global ,fsym ,command)
+             (vim.cmd ,(format (if (and once? nested?)
+                                   "autocmd %s %s ++once ++nested call %s" once?
+                                   "autocmd %s %s ++once call %s" nested?
+                                   "autocmd %s %s ++nested call %s"
+                                   "autocmd %s %s call %s")
+                               events pattern (vlua fsym)))))
+        `(vim.cmd ,(format (if (and once? nested?)
+                               "autocmd %s %s ++once ++nested %s" once?
+                               "autocmd %s %s ++once %s" nested?
+                               "autocmd %s %s ++nested %s" "autocmd %s %s %s")
+                           events pattern command)))))
+{: au! : aub! : ac!}