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path: root/fnl/nvrc/packs/lspconfig.fnl
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Diffstat (limited to 'fnl/nvrc/packs/lspconfig.fnl')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/packs/lspconfig.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/packs/lspconfig.fnl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83a4146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fnl/nvrc/packs/lspconfig.fnl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(local lsp (require :lspconfig))
+(local {: highlight} (require :nvrc.macro.color))
+(local {: merge} (require :nvrc.utils))
+(local colors (require :nvrc.colors))
+(fn on_attach [client bufnr]
+  (highlight :DiagnosticError {:fg (. colors :red)})
+  (highlight :DiagnosticWarn {:fg (. colors :yellow)})
+  (highlight :DiagnosticInformation {:fg (. colors :green)})
+  (highlight :DiagnosticHint {:fg (. colors :grey)})
+  (if client.resolved_capabilities.document_highlight
+      (do
+        (highlight :LspReferenceRead {:underline true})
+        (highlight :LspReferenceText {:underline true})
+        (highlight :LspReferenceWrite {:underline true})
+        (vim.api.nvim_exec "augroup lsp_document_highlight
+        autocmd! * <buffer>
+        autocmd CursorMoved <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.clear_references()
+        augroup END" false))))
+(fn better_root_pattern [patterns except-patterns]
+  "match path if one of the given patterns is matched, EXCEPT if one of the except-patterns is matched"
+  (fn [path]
+    (when (not ((lsp.util.root_pattern except-patterns) path))
+      ((lsp.util.root_pattern patterns) path))))
+(local default_capabilities (vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities))
+(fn init_lsp [lsp-name ?opts]
+  "initialize a language server with defaults"
+  (let [merged-opts (merge {: on_attach
+                                  :capabilities default_capabilities}
+                                 (or ?opts {}))]
+    ((. lsp lsp-name :setup) merged-opts)))
+(tset vim.lsp.handlers :textDocument/publishDiagnostics
+      (vim.lsp.with vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics
+                    {:update_in_insert false
+                     :virtual_text {:prefix "-"}
+                     :signs false}))
+(init_lsp :ccls)
+(init_lsp :hls)
+(init_lsp :rust_analyzer)
+(vim.cmd "highlight link LspSemantic_type Include")
+(vim.cmd "highlight link LspSemantic_function Identifier")
+(vim.cmd "highlight link LspSemantic_struct Number")
+(vim.cmd "highlight LspSemantic_variable guifg=gray")
+(vim.cmd "highlight link LspSemantic_keyword Structure")