From 72d448e384249103748ee83b587c45924e4bc44d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: sefidel Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 00:24:03 +0900 Subject: Initial commit --- fnl/nvrc/colors.fnl | 81 ++++++++++++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/events.fnl | 47 +++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/ignite.fnl | 6 ++ fnl/nvrc/keymaps.fnl | 45 ++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/lib/io.fnl | 31 +++++++++ fnl/nvrc/macro/color.fnl | 9 +++ fnl/nvrc/macro/event.fnl | 63 +++++++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/macro/keymap.fnl | 46 +++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/macro/misc.fnl | 1 + fnl/nvrc/macro/pack.fnl | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/macro/set.fnl | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/macro/thread.fnl | 15 ++++ fnl/nvrc/macro/toolkit.fnl | 39 +++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/options.fnl | 51 ++++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/pack.fnl | 34 +++++++++ fnl/nvrc/packs/blankline.fnl | 11 +++ fnl/nvrc/packs/cmp.fnl | 56 +++++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/packs/feline.fnl | 144 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/packs/gitsigns.fnl | 7 ++ fnl/nvrc/packs/lsp_signature.fnl | 15 ++++ fnl/nvrc/packs/lspconfig.fnl | 50 ++++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/packs/nvimtree.fnl | 44 ++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/packs/telescope.fnl | 49 +++++++++++++ fnl/nvrc/packs/treesitter.fnl | 29 ++++++++ fnl/nvrc/utils.fnl | 127 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 25 files changed, 1159 insertions(+) create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/colors.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/events.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/ignite.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/keymaps.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/lib/io.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/macro/color.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/macro/event.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/macro/keymap.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/macro/misc.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/macro/pack.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/macro/set.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/macro/thread.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/macro/toolkit.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/options.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/pack.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/packs/blankline.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/packs/cmp.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/packs/feline.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/packs/gitsigns.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/packs/lsp_signature.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/packs/lspconfig.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/packs/nvimtree.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/packs/telescope.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/packs/treesitter.fnl create mode 100644 fnl/nvrc/utils.fnl (limited to 'fnl') diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/colors.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/colors.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..854b79f --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/colors.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +(local colors {:bg "#202020" + :nvimbg "#151515" + :fg "#cbc0ab" + :white "#e8e8d3" + :black "#181818" + :black2 "#101010" + :bblack "#252525" + :grey "#888888" + :grey2 "#666666" + :bgrey "#999999" + :red "#cf6a4c" + :orange "#fabb6e" + :yellow "#fad07a" + :lyellow "#ffe2a9" + :green "#99ad6a" + :skyblue "#8fbfdc" + :blue "#8197bf" + :violet "#c6b6ee" + :magenta "#f0a0c0" + :sign "#333333"}) + +(fn colors.apply [] + (local {: highlight} (require :nvrc.macro.color)) + (vim.cmd "colorscheme jellybeans") + + ; Buffer + (highlight :EndOfBuffer {:fg (. colors :bg)}) + (highlight :FloatBorder {:fg (. colors :blue)}) + (highlight :NormalFloat {:bg (. colors :bblack)}) + + ; Pmenu + (highlight :Pmenu {:bg (. colors :bblack)}) + (highlight :PmenuSbar {:bg (. colors :bblack)}) + (highlight :PmenuSel {:fg (. colors :orange) :bg (. colors :sign)}) + (highlight :PmenuThumb {:bg (. colors :skyblue)}) + (highlight :CmpItemAbbr {:fg (. colors :fg)}) + (highlight :CmpItemAbbrMatch {:fg (. colors :fg)}) + (highlight :CmpItemKind {:fg (. colors :fg)}) + (highlight :CmpItemMenu {:fg (. colors :fg)}) + + ; Misc + (highlight :StatusLine {:bg (. colors :black)}) + (highlight :StatusLineNC {:fg (. colors :grey) :bg (. colors :black) :underline true}) + (highlight :LineNr {:fg (. colors :grey)}) + (highlight :NvimInternalError {:fg (. colors :red)}) + (highlight :VertSplit {:fg (. colors :grey2)}) + + ; Gitsigns + (highlight :DiffAdd {:fg (. colors :green) :bg (. colors :sign)}) + (highlight :DiffChange {:fg (. colors :yellow) :bg (. colors :sign)}) + (highlight :DiffChangeDelete {:fg (. colors :red) :bg (. colors :sign)}) + (highlight :DiffModified {:fg (. colors :red) :bg (. colors :sign)}) + (highlight :DiffDelete {:fg (. colors :red) :bg (. colors :sign)}) + + ; Nvimtree + (highlight :NvimTreeNormal {:bg (. colors :black)}) + (highlight :NvimTreeNormalNC {:bg (. colors :black)}) + (highlight :NvimTreeStatuslineNC {:fg (. colors :black) :bg (. colors :black)}) + (highlight :NvimTreeVertSplit {:fg (. colors :black) :bg (. colors :black)}) + (highlight :NvimTreeWindowPicker {:fg (. colors :red) :bg (. colors :black2)}) + (highlight :NvimTreeIndentMarker {:fg (. colors :grey)}) + (highlight :NvimTreeGitDirty {:fg (. colors :red)}) + (highlight :NvimTreeRootFolder {:fg (. colors :red) :underline true}) + (highlight :NvimTreeEmptyFolderName {:fg (. colors :skyblue)}) + (highlight :NvimTreeFolderIcon {:fg (. colors :skyblue)}) + (highlight :NvimTreeFolderName {:fg (. colors :skyblue)}) + (highlight :NvimTreeOpenedFolderName {:fg (. colors :magenta)}) + (highlight :NvimTreeEndOfBuffer {:fg (. colors :black2)}) + + ; Telescope + (highlight :TelescopeBorder {:fg (. colors :fg)}) + (highlight :TelescopePromptBorder {:fg (. colors :fg)}) + (highlight :TelescopePromptNormal {:fg (. colors :fg)}) + (highlight :TelescopePromptPrefix {:fg (. colors :red)}) + (highlight :TelescopeNormal {:bg :NONE}) + (highlight :TelescopePreviewTitle {:fg (. colors :nvimbg) :bg (. colors :green)}) + (highlight :TelescopePromptTitle {:fg (. colors :nvimbg) :bg (. colors :red)}) + (highlight :TelescopeResultsTitle {:fg (. colors :nvimbg) :bg (. colors :skyblue)}) + (highlight :TelescopeSelection {:link :Search})) + +colors diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/events.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/events.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a798fcf --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/events.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +(import-macros {: au! + : ac!} :nvrc.macro.event) +(import-macros {: set! + : setl!} :nvrc.macro.set) +(local {: echo!} (require + +(local {: line + : mode} vim.fn) +(fn cmd! [...] (vim.cmd ...)) +(fn bufexists? [...] (= (vim.fn.bufexists ...) 1)) + +; Restore cursor style to beam on exit +(au! restore-cursor + (ac! VimLeave * #(set! guicursor ["a:ver75-blinkon0"]))) + +; Restore the last cursor line +(au! restore-last-cursor-line + (ac! BufReadPost * #(if (and (> (line "'\"") 1) + (<= (line "'\"") (line "$"))) + (cmd! "normal! g'\"")))) + +; Resize splits on window resize +(au! resize-splits-on-resize + (ac! VimResized * "wincmd =")) + +;; Read file when it changes on disk +(au! read-file-on-disk-change + (ac! [FocusGained BufEnter CursorHold CursorHoldI] * + #(if (and (not= :c (mode)) + (not (bufexists? "[Command Line]"))) + (cmd! "checktime"))) + (ac! FileChangedShellPost * + #(echo! "File changed on disk. Buffer reloaded."))) + +(au! terminal-options + ;; Enter Terminal-mode (insert) automatically + (ac! TermOpen * "startinsert") + ;; Disables line number on terminal buffers + (ac! TermOpen * #(do + (setl! nonumber) + (setl! norelativenumber))) + ;; Disables spell on terminal buffers + (ac! TermOpen * #(setl! nospell)) + ;; Disables sign column on terminal buffers + (ac! TermOpen * #(setl! signcolumn :no)) + ;; Disables colorcolumn on terminal buffers + (ac! TermOpen * #(setl! colorcolumn []))) diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/ignite.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/ignite.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04f416b --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/ignite.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +; Get the rocket going + +(require :nvrc.options) +(require :nvrc.pack) +(require :nvrc.keymaps) +(require diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/keymaps.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/keymaps.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67b0d70 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/keymaps.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +(import-macros {: map!} :nvrc.macro.keymap) +(import-macros {: setv!} :nvrc.macro.set) + +(map! [n] : "" "") +(setv! mapleader " ") + +(map! [n :silent] :fe ":NvimTreeToggle ") +(map! [n :silent] :ft ":NvimTreeFocus ") + +(map! [n :silent] :/ + ":lua require('Comment.api').toggle_current_linewise() ") +(map! [v :silent] :/ + ":lua require('Comment.api').toggle_linewise_op(vim.fn.visualmode()) ") + +(map! [n :silent] :ff ":Telescope find_files ") +(map! [n :silent] :fc ":Telescope grep_string ") +(map! [n :silent] :fs ":Telescope live_grep ") +(map! [n :silent] :fa + ":Telescope find_files follow=true no_ignore=true hidden=true ") +(map! [n :silent] :fb ":Telescope buffers ") +(map! [n :silent] :gc ":Telescope git_commits ") +(map! [n :silent] :gs ":Telescope git_status ") + +(map! [n] :f :Lightspeed_f) +(map! [n] :F :Lightspeed_F) +(map! [n] :t :Lightspeed_t) +(map! [n] :T :Lightspeed_T) + +(map! [n :silent] :rm ":TZMinimalist ") +(map! [n :silent] :rf ":TZFocus ") +(map! [n :silent] :ra ":TZAtaraxis ") + +(map! [t] :jk "") +(map! [t :silent] :JK " :lua require ('nvrc.utils').close_buf() ") +(map! [n :silent] :tl ":Telescope terms ") +; FIXME This opens on top of existing vertical/horizontal term +(map! [n :silent] :th ":execute 15 .. 'new +terminal' | let b:term_type = 'hori' ") +(map! [n :silent] :tv ":execute 'vnew +terminal' | let b:term_type = 'vert' ") +(map! [n :silent] :tn ":execute 'terminal' | let b:term_type = 'wind' ") + +(map! [n :silent] :q ":lua require('nvrc.utils').close_buf() ") +(map! [n :silent] :ya ":%y+ ") +(map! [n :silent] :bn ":enew ") +(map! [n :silent] :wn ":tabnew ") +(map! [n :silent] :lt ":set nu! ") diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/lib/io.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/lib/io.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d20ed7 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/lib/io.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +(fn cmd! [...] (vim.cmd ...)) +(local {: format + : sub} string) + +(fn str? [x] + (= :string (type x))) + +(lambda double-quote [s] + "Add double quotes at the beginning and end of the string." + (assert (str? s) "expected string for s") + (format "\"%s\"" s)) + +(lambda echo! [s] + "Print a vim message without any format." + (cmd! (format "echom %s" (double-quote s)))) + +(lambda warn! [s] + "Print a vim message with a warning format." + (cmd! (format "echohl WarningMsg + echom %s + echohl None" (double-quote s)))) + +(lambda err! [s] + "Print a vim message with an error format." + (cmd! (format "echohl ErrorMsg + echom %s + echohl None" (double-quote s)))) + +{: echo! + : warn! + : err!} diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/macro/color.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/macro/color.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9636956 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/macro/color.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +(fn tbl? [x] + (= :table (type x))) + +(fn highlight [group-arg colset] + "Add a highlighting group." + (each [_ group (ipairs (if (tbl? group-arg) group-arg [group-arg]))] + (vim.api.nvim_set_hl 0 group colset))) + +{: highlight} diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/macro/event.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/macro/event.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3453431 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/macro/event.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +(import-macros {: as->} :nvrc.macro.thread) + +(local {: format} string) +(local {: insert : concat} table) + +(local {: fn? : gensym-checksum : vlua} (require :nvrc.macro.toolkit)) + +(fn last [xs] + (. xs (length xs))) + +(fn ->str [x] + (tostring x)) + +(fn includes? [xs x] + (accumulate [is? false _ v (ipairs xs) :until is?] + (= v x))) + +(lambda au! [name ...] + "Defines an autocommand group using the vim API." + `(do + (vim.cmd ,(format "augroup %s" name)) + (vim.cmd :autocmd!) + (do + ,...) + (vim.cmd "augroup END"))) + +(lambda aub! [name ...] + "Defines a buffer-local autocommand group using the vim API." + `(do + (vim.cmd ,(format "augroup %s" name)) + (vim.cmd "autocmd! * ") + (do + ,...) + (vim.cmd "augroup END"))) + +(lambda ac! [events pattern ...] + "Defines an autocommand using the vim API." + (let [events (as-> [$ events] (if (sequence? $) $ [$]) + (icollect [_ v (ipairs $)] + (->str v)) (concat $ ",")) + pattern (as-> [$ pattern] (if (sequence? $) $ [$]) + (icollect [_ v (ipairs $)] + (->str v)) (concat $ ",")) + once? (or (includes? [...] `++once) (includes? [...] :++once)) + nested? (or (includes? [...] `++nested) (includes? [...] :++nested)) + command (last [...])] + (if (fn? command) + (let [fsym (gensym-checksum "__" command)] + `(do + (global ,fsym ,command) + (vim.cmd ,(format (if (and once? nested?) + "autocmd %s %s ++once ++nested call %s" once? + "autocmd %s %s ++once call %s" nested? + "autocmd %s %s ++nested call %s" + "autocmd %s %s call %s") + events pattern (vlua fsym))))) + `(vim.cmd ,(format (if (and once? nested?) + "autocmd %s %s ++once ++nested %s" once? + "autocmd %s %s ++once %s" nested? + "autocmd %s %s ++nested %s" "autocmd %s %s %s") + events pattern command))))) + +{: au! : aub! : ac!} diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/macro/keymap.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/macro/keymap.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a784ab --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/macro/keymap.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +(local {: gmatch} string) +(local {: insert} table) + +(local {: fn?} (require :nvrc.macro.toolkit)) + +(fn ->str [x] + (tostring x)) + +(fn nil? [x] + (= nil x)) + +(fn str? [x] + (= :string (type x))) + +(fn tbl? [x] + (= :table (type x))) + +(lambda map! [[modes & options] lhs rhs ?desc] + "Defines a new mapping using the lua API. + Supports all the options that the API supports." + (assert-compile (sym? modes) "expected symbol for modes" modes) + (assert-compile (tbl? options) "expected table for options" options) + (assert-compile (str? lhs) "expected string for lhs" lhs) + (assert-compile (or (str? rhs) (list? rhs) (fn? rhs) (sym? rhs)) + "expected string or list or function or symbol for rhs" rhs) + (assert-compile (or (nil? ?desc) (str? ?desc)) + "expected string or nil for description" ?desc) + (let [modes (icollect [char (gmatch (->str modes) ".")] + char) + options (collect [_ v (ipairs options)] + (->str v) + true) + rhs (if (and (not (fn? rhs)) (list? rhs)) `#,rhs rhs) + desc (if (and (not ?desc) (or (fn? rhs) (sym? rhs))) (view rhs) ?desc) + options (if desc (doto options (tset :desc desc)) options)] + `(vim.keymap.set ,modes ,lhs ,rhs ,options))) + +(lambda mapb! [[modes & options] lhs rhs ?description] + "Defines a new mapping using the lua API. + Supports all the options that the API supports. + Automatically sets the `:buffer` option." + (let [options (doto options + (insert :buffer))] + (map! [modes (unpack options)] lhs rhs ?description))) + +{: map! : mapb!} diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/macro/misc.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/macro/misc.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cde60ce --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/macro/misc.fnl @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{:disable-builtins! #(vim.tbl_map #(tset vim.g (.. :loaded_ $) 1) $)} diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/macro/pack.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/macro/pack.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ba7896 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/macro/pack.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +(fn str? [x] + (= :string (type x))) + +(fn nil? [x] + (= nil x)) + +(fn tbl? [x] + (= :table (type x))) + +(local {: format} string) +(local {: insert} table) + +(global nvrc/pack []) +(global nvrc/rock []) + +(lambda pack [identifier ?options] + "Returns a mixed table with the identifier as the first sequential element + and options as hash-table items. + See for information about the + options." + (assert-compile (str? identifier) "expected string for identifier" identifier) + (assert-compile (or (nil? ?options) (tbl? ?options)) + "expected table for options" ?options) + (let [options (or ?options {}) + options (collect [k v (pairs options)] + (if + (= k :req) (values :config (format "require('nvrc.packs.%s')" v)) + (= k :init) (values :config (format "require('%s').setup()" v)) + (= k :defer) (values :setup (format "require('nvrc.utils').defer_unpack('%s', 5)" v)) + (values k v)))] + (doto options + (tset 1 identifier)))) + +(lambda pack! [identifier ?options] + "Declares a plugin with its options. + This is a mixed table saved on the global compile-time variable nvrc/pack. + See for information about the + options." + (assert-compile (str? identifier) "expected string for identifier" identifier) + (assert-compile (or (nil? ?options) (tbl? ?options)) + "expected table for options" ?options) + (insert nvrc/pack (pack identifier ?options))) + +(lambda rock [identifier ?options] + "Returns a mixed table with the identifier as the first sequential element + and options as hash-table items. + See for information about the + options." + (assert-compile (str? identifier) "expected string for identifier" identifier) + (assert-compile (or (nil? ?options) (tbl? ?options)) + "expected table for options" ?options) + (let [options (or ?options {})] + (doto options + (tset 1 identifier)))) + +(lambda rock! [identifier ?options] + "Declares a plugin with its options. + This is a mixed table saved on the global compile-time variable nvrc/rock. + See for information about the + options." + (assert-compile (str? identifier) "expected string for identifier" identifier) + (assert-compile (or (nil? ?options) (tbl? ?options)) + "expected table for options" ?options) + (insert nvrc/rock (rock identifier ?options))) + +(lambda unpack! [] + "Initializes the plugin manager with the previously declared plugins and + their options." + (let [packs (icollect [_ v (ipairs nvrc/pack)] + `(use ,v)) + rocks (icollect [_ v (ipairs nvrc/rock)] + `(use_rocks ,v))] + `((. (require :packer) :startup) #(do + ,(unpack (icollect [_ v (ipairs packs) :into rocks] v)))))) + +{: pack + : pack! + : rock + : rock! + : unpack!} diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/macro/set.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/macro/set.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..144bdef --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/macro/set.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +(local {: fn? : gensym-checksum : vlua} (require :nvrc.macro.toolkit)) + +(fn str? [x] + (= :string (type x))) + +(fn ->str [x] + (tostring x)) + +(fn nil? [x] + (= nil x)) + +(fn includes? [xs x] + (accumulate [is? false _ v (ipairs xs) :until is?] + (= v x))) + +(lambda set! [name ?value] + "Set a vim option via the lua API. + The name of the option must a symbol. + If no value is specified, if the name begins with 'no' the value + becomes false, true otherwise." + (assert-compile (sym? name) "expected symbol for name" name) + (let [name (->str name) + value (or ?value (not (name:match "^no"))) + name (or (name:match "^no(.+)$") name)] + (if (fn? value) + (let [vsym (gensym-checksum "__" value)] + `(do + (global ,vsym ,value) + (tset vim.opt ,name ,(vlua vsym)))) + (match (name:sub -1) + "+" `(: (. vim.opt ,(name:sub 1 -2)) :append ,value) + "-" `(: (. vim.opt ,(name:sub 1 -2)) :remove ,value) + "^" `(: (. vim.opt ,(name:sub 1 -2)) :prepend ,value) + _ `(tset vim.opt ,name ,value))))) + +(lambda setl! [name ?value] + "Set a vim local option via the lua API. + The name of the option must a symbol. + If no value is specified, if the name begins with 'no' the value + becomes false, true otherwise." + (assert-compile (sym? name) "expected symbol for name" name) + (let [name (->str name) + value (or ?value + (not (name:match "^no"))) + name (or (name:match "^no(.+)$") + name)] + (if (fn? value) + (let [fsym (gensym-checksum "__" value)] + `(do + (global ,fsym ,value) + (tset vim.opt_local ,name ,(vlua fsym)))) + (match (name:sub -1) + :+ `(: (. vim.opt_local ,(name:sub 1 -2)) :append ,value) + :- `(: (. vim.opt_local ,(name:sub 1 -2)) :remove ,value) + :^ `(: (. vim.opt_local ,(name:sub 1 -2)) :prepend ,value) + _ `(tset vim.opt_local ,name ,value))))) + +(lambda setv! [name value] + "Set a vim variable via the lua API. + The name can be either a symbol or a string. + If the name begins with [gbwt] followed by [/:.], the name + is scoped to the respective scope." + (assert-compile (or (str? name) (sym? name)) + "expected string or symbol for name" name) + (let [name (->str name) + scope (when (includes? ["g/" "b/" "w/" "t/" + "g." "b." "w." "t." + "g:" "b:" "w:" "t:"] (name:sub 1 2)) + (name:sub 1 1)) + name (if + (nil? scope) name + (name:sub 3))] + `(tset ,(match scope + :b 'vim.b + :w 'vim.w + :t 'vim.t + _ 'vim.g) ,name ,value))) + +{: set! : setl! : setv!} diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/macro/thread.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/macro/thread.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9060b04 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/macro/thread.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +(local {: insert} table) + +(lambda as-> [[binding expr] ...] + "A threading macro where the first argument is the value binded to the + second argument, which must be a symbol. + This binding is valid for the whole body of the threading macro." + (assert-compile (sym? binding) "expected symbol for binding" binding) + `(let [,binding ,expr + ,(unpack (accumulate [exprs [] _ expr (ipairs [...])] + (doto exprs + (insert binding) + (insert expr))))] + ,binding)) + +{: as->} diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/macro/toolkit.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/macro/toolkit.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a2bc50 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/macro/toolkit.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +(local {: format} string) + +(fn ->str [x] + (tostring x)) + +(fn head [xs] + (. xs 1)) + +(fn fn? [x] + "Returns whether the parameter(s) is a function. + A function is defined as any list with 'fn or 'hashfn as + their first element." + (and (list? x) (or (= `fn (head x)) (= `hashfn (head x))))) + +(lambda gensym-checksum [...] + "Generates a new symbol from the checksum of the object + passed as a parameter. + The parameter first is casted into a string using the + function `fennel.view`. + If only one parameter is passed to the function the return + value is the checksum as a symbol. + If two parameters are passed, the first one is considered + the prefix. + If three parameters are passed, the first one is considered + the prefix and the last one is considered the suffix. + This function depends on the md5 library and the fennel library." + (match [...] + [prefix object suffix] (let [{: view} (require :fennel) + {:sumhexa md5} (require :md5)] + (sym (.. prefix (md5 (view object)) suffix))) + [prefix object] (gensym-checksum prefix object "") + [object] (gensym-checksum "" object ""))) + +(lambda vlua [x] + "Return a symbol mapped to `v:lua.%s()`, where `%s` is the symbol." + (assert-compile (sym? x) "expected symbol for x" x) + (format "v:lua.%s()" (->str x))) + +{: fn? : gensym-checksum : vlua} diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/options.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/options.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9a59bc --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/options.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +(import-macros {: set! : setv!} :nvrc.macro.set) +(local {: disable-builtins!} (require :nvrc.macro.misc)) + +(set! clipboard :unnamedplus) + +; Interface +(set! cul) +(set! cmdheight 1) +(set! number) +(set! numberwidth 2) +(set! shortmess+ :sI) +(set! splitbelow) +(set! splitright) +(set! termguicolors) +(set! lazyredraw) + +; Style +(set! expandtab) +(set! tabstop 8) +(set! shiftwidth 2) +(set! smartindent) +(set! list) +(set! listchars {:tab ">-" :extends ">" :precedes "<" :trail "*" :nbsp "+"}) + +; Miscellaneous +(set! ignorecase) +(set! smartcase) +(set! mouse :a) +(set! timeoutlen 400) +(set! updatetime 250) +(set! undofile) +(set! whichwrap+ "<>[]hl") + +(disable-builtins! [:2html_plugin + :getscript + :getscriptPlugin + :gzip + :logipat + :netrw + :netrwPlugin + :netrwSettings + :netrwFileHandlers + :matchit + :tar + :tarPlugin + :rrhelper + :spellfile_plugin + :vimball + :vimballPlugin + :zip + :zipPlugin]) diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/pack.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/pack.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1c611a --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/pack.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +(import-macros {: pack! : unpack!} :nvrc.macro.pack) + +(pack! :wbthomason/packer.nvim) +(pack! :rktjmp/hotpot.nvim) +(pack! :lewis6991/impatient.nvim) +(pack! :nvim-lua/plenary.nvim {:module :plenary}) + +(pack! :nanotech/jellybeans.vim {:event :VimEnter :config "require('nvrc.colors').apply()"}) +(pack! :feline-nvim/feline.nvim {:req :feline :after :jellybeans.vim}) +(pack! :lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim {:event :BufRead :req :blankline}) +(pack! :NvChad/nvim-colorizer.lua {:event :BufRead}) +(pack! :nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter {:req :treesitter :defer :nvim-treesitter :run ":TSUpdate"}) +(pack! :lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim {:req :gitsigns :defer :gitsigns.nvim}) +(pack! :Pocco81/TrueZen.nvim {:cmd [:TZMinimalist :TZFocus :TZAtaraxis]}) +(pack! :stefandtw/quickfix-reflector.vim {:ft :qf}) + +(pack! :neovim/nvim-lspconfig {:req :lspconfig :module :lspconfig :setup (fn [] + ((. (require :nvrc.utils) :defer_unpack) :nvim-lspconfig 100) + (vim.defer_fn #(vim.cmd "if &ft == 'packer' | echo '' | else | silent! e %") 150))}) +(pack! :ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim {:req :lsp_signature :after :nvim-lspconfig}) +(pack! :hrsh7th/nvim-cmp {:req :cmp :event :InsertEnter}) +(pack! :hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp {:after :nvim-cmp}) + +(pack! :luukvbaal/stabilize.nvim {:after :jellybeans.vim :init :stabilize}) +(pack! :numToStr/Comment.nvim {:module :Comment :init :Comment}) +; TODO: +(pack! :kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua {:req :nvimtree :cmd [:NvimTreeToggle :NvimTreeFocus] :commit "d8bf1ad"}) +(pack! :ggandor/lightspeed.nvim {:keys [:s :S :x :X :f :F]}) +(pack! :nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim {:req :telescope :module :telescope :cmd :Telescope}) +(pack! :boppyt/nvrc-extra) + +(pack! :bakpakin/fennel.vim {:ft :fennel}) + +(unpack!) diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/packs/blankline.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/packs/blankline.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3139174 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/packs/blankline.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +(local {: setup} (require :indent_blankline)) + +(setup {:indentLine_enabled 1 + :char "▏" + :filetype_exclude {:help :terminal + :packer :lspinfo + :TelescopePrompt :TelescopeResults + :lsp-installer ""} + :buftype_exclude {1 :terminal} + :show_trailing_blankline_indent false + :show_first_indent_level false}) diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/packs/cmp.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/packs/cmp.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b70af5 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/packs/cmp.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +(import-macros {: set!} :nvrc.macro.opt) +(local cmp (require :cmp)) + +(set! completeopt "menuone,noselect") + +(local icons {:Text "(t)" + :Method "(m)" + :Function "(f)" + :Constructor "(cs)" + :Field "(s)" + :Variable "(v)" + :Class "(c)" + :Interface "(i)" + :Module "(m)" + :Property "(p)" + :Unit "(u)" + :Value "(v)" + :Enum "(e)" + :Keyword "(k)" + :Snippet "(sn)" + :Color "(co)" + :File "(fi)" + :Reference "(r)" + :Folder "(fl)" + :EnumMember "(em)" + :Constant "(cn)" + :Struct "(s)" + :Event "(ev)" + :Operator "(op)" + :TypeParameter "(tp)"}) + +(cmp.setup { + :formatting {:format (fn [entry vim-item] + (set vim-item.kind + (string.format "%s %s" + (. icons vim-item.kind) + vim-item.kind)) + (set + (. {:nvim_lsp "[LSP]"} + + vim-item)} + :mapping {: (cmp.mapping.select_prev_item) + : (cmp.mapping.select_next_item) + : (cmp.mapping.scroll_docs (- 4)) + : (cmp.mapping.scroll_docs 4) + : (cmp.mapping.complete) + : (cmp.mapping.close) + : (cmp.mapping.confirm {:behavior cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Replace + :select true}) + :Tab (fn [fallback] + (if (cmp.visible) (cmp.select_next_item)"") + (fallback)) + : (fn [fallback] + (if (cmp.visible) (cmp.select_next_item)"") + (fallback))} + :sources {1 {:name :nvim_lsp}}}) diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/packs/feline.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/packs/feline.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4953a7d --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/packs/feline.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +(local feline (require :feline)) +(local lsp (require :feline.providers.lsp)) +(local lsp_severity vim.diagnostic.severity) +(local vi_mode (require :feline.providers.vi_mode)) +(local git (require :feline.providers.git)) + +(local colors (require :nvrc.colors)) +(local utils (require :nvrc.utils)) + +(local vi_mode_colors {:NORMAL (. colors :green) + :INSERT (. colors :red) + :VISUAL (. colors :yellow) + :OP (. colors :green) + :BLOCK (. colors :skyblue) + :REPLACE (. colors :violet) + :V-REPLACE (. colors :violet) + :ENTER (. colors :skyblue) + :MORE (. colors :skyblue) + :SELECT (. colors :orange) + :COMMAND (. colors :green) + :SHELL (. colors :green) + :TERM (. colors :green) + :NONE (. colors :yellow)}) + +(local modules {:pad {:provider "▊ " :hl {:fg (. colors :skyblue)}} + :current_position {:provider :position + :left_sep " " + :right_sep {1 " " + 2 {:str :vertical_bar_thin + :hl {:fg :fg :bg :bg}}}} + :vi_mode {:provider :vi_mode + :icon "" + :right_sep " " + :hl (fn [] + {:name (vi_mode.get_mode_highlight_name) + :fg (vi_mode.get_mode_color)})} + :file {:info {:provider {:name :file_info + :opts {:file_modified_icon "[+]" + :file_readonly_icon "!w "}} + :icon "" + :right_sep " " + :hl {:fg (. colors :orange) :style :bold}} + :encoding {:provider :file_encoding + :icon "" + :right_sep " " + :hl {:fg (. colors :magenta) :style :bold}} + :type {:provider :file_type + :icon "" + :right_sep " " + :hl {:fg (. colors :magenta) :style :bold}} + :size {:provider :file_size + :right_sep {1 " " + 2 {:str :vertical_bar_thin + :hl {:fg :fg :bg :bg}}}}} + :line_percentage {:provider :line_percentage + :right_sep " " + :hl {:style :bold}} + :scroll_bar {:provider :scroll_bar + :right_sep " " + :hl {:fg (. colors :skyblue) :style :bold}} + :lsp {:name {:provider :lsp_client-names + :icon "" + :right_sep " " + :hl {:fg (. colors :yellow)}} + :load_fidget {:provider #(utils.lsp_fidget) + :enabled #(utils.will_it_fit 80) + :hl {:fg (. colors :green)}} + :diag_err {:provider :diagnostic_errors + :enabled #(lsp.diagnostics_exist lsp_severity.ERROR) + :left_sep " " + :icon :E + :hl {:fg (. colors :red)}} + :diag_warn {:provider :diagnostic_warnings + :enabled #(lsp.diagnostics_exist lsp_severity.WARN) + :left_sep " " + :icon :W + :hl {:fg (. colors :yellow)}} + :diag_info {:provider :diagnostic_info + :enabled #(lsp.diagnostics_exist lsp_severity.INFO) + :left_sep " " + :icon :I + :hl {:fg (. colors :skyblue)}} + :diag_hint {:provider :diagnostic_hints + :enabled #(lsp.diagnostics_exist lsp_severity.HINT) + :left_sep " " + :icon :H + :hl {:fg (. colors :white)}}} + :git {:branch {:provider :git_branch + :enabled #(git.git_info_exists) + :icon "*" + :right_sep " " + :hl {:fg (. colors :violet) :style :bold}} + :add {:provider :git_diff_added + :enabled #(git.git_info_exists) + :icon "+" + :right_sep " " + :hl {:fg (. colors :green)}} + :change {:provider :git_diff_changed + :enabled #(git.git_info_exists) + :icon "~" + :right_sep " " + :hl {:fg (. colors :orange)}} + :remove {:provider :git_diff_removed + :enabled #(git.git_info_exists) + :icon "-" + :right_sep " " + :hl {:fg (. colors :red)}}}}) + +(local comps {:left {:active [(. modules :pad) + (. modules :vi_mode) + (. modules :file :info) + (. modules :file :size) + (. modules :current_position) + (. modules :lsp :diag_err) + (. modules :lsp :diag_warn) + (. modules :lsp :diag_info) + (. modules :lsp :diag_hint)] + :inactive []} + :middle {:active [(. modules :lsp :load_fidget)] + :inactive []} + :right {:active [(. modules :git :branch) + (. modules :git :add) + (. modules :git :change) + (. modules :git :remove) + (. modules :file :encoding) + (. modules :file :type) + (. modules :line_percentage) + (. modules :scroll_bar)] + :inactive []}}) + +(local components + {:active [] + :inactive [comps.left.inactive comps.middle.inactive comps.right.inactive]}) + +(local properties + {:force_inactive {:filetypes [:NvimTree :packer] + :buftypes [:terminal :packer]}}) + +(feline.setup {:theme colors + :default_bg (. colors :bg) + :default_fg (. colors :fg) + : components + : properties + : vi_mode_colors}) diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/packs/gitsigns.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/packs/gitsigns.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe500a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/packs/gitsigns.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +(local {: setup} (require :gitsigns)) + +(setup {:signs {:add {:hl :DiffAdd :text "│" :numhl :GitSignsAddNr} + :change {:hl :DiffChange :text "│" :numhl :GitSignsChangeNr} + :delete {:hl :DiffDelete :text "_" :numhl :GitSignsDeleteNr} + :topdelete {:hl :DiffDelete :text "‾" :numhl :GitSignsDeleteNr} + :changedelete {:hl :DiffChangeDelete :text "~" :numhl :GitSignsChangeNr}}}) diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/packs/lsp_signature.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/packs/lsp_signature.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b14a374 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/packs/lsp_signature.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +(local {: setup} (require :lsp_signature)) + +(setup {:bind true + :doc_lines 0 + :floating_window true + :fix_pos true + :hint_enable true + :hint_scheme :String + :hint_prefix "(i) " + :hi_parameter :Search + :max_height 22 + :max_width 120 + :handler_opts {:border :single} + :zindex 200 + :padding ""}) diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/packs/lspconfig.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/packs/lspconfig.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83a4146 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/packs/lspconfig.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +(local lsp (require :lspconfig)) +(local {: highlight} (require :nvrc.macro.color)) +(local {: merge} (require :nvrc.utils)) +(local colors (require :nvrc.colors)) + +(fn on_attach [client bufnr] + (highlight :DiagnosticError {:fg (. colors :red)}) + (highlight :DiagnosticWarn {:fg (. colors :yellow)}) + (highlight :DiagnosticInformation {:fg (. colors :green)}) + (highlight :DiagnosticHint {:fg (. colors :grey)}) + (if client.resolved_capabilities.document_highlight + (do + (highlight :LspReferenceRead {:underline true}) + (highlight :LspReferenceText {:underline true}) + (highlight :LspReferenceWrite {:underline true}) + (vim.api.nvim_exec "augroup lsp_document_highlight + autocmd! * + autocmd CursorMoved lua vim.lsp.buf.clear_references() + augroup END" false)))) + +(fn better_root_pattern [patterns except-patterns] + "match path if one of the given patterns is matched, EXCEPT if one of the except-patterns is matched" + (fn [path] + (when (not ((lsp.util.root_pattern except-patterns) path)) + ((lsp.util.root_pattern patterns) path)))) + +(local default_capabilities (vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities)) + +(fn init_lsp [lsp-name ?opts] + "initialize a language server with defaults" + (let [merged-opts (merge {: on_attach + :capabilities default_capabilities} + (or ?opts {}))] + ((. lsp lsp-name :setup) merged-opts))) + +(tset vim.lsp.handlers :textDocument/publishDiagnostics + (vim.lsp.with vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics + {:update_in_insert false + :virtual_text {:prefix "-"} + :signs false})) + +(init_lsp :ccls) +(init_lsp :hls) +(init_lsp :rust_analyzer) + +(vim.cmd "highlight link LspSemantic_type Include") +(vim.cmd "highlight link LspSemantic_function Identifier") +(vim.cmd "highlight link LspSemantic_struct Number") +(vim.cmd "highlight LspSemantic_variable guifg=gray") +(vim.cmd "highlight link LspSemantic_keyword Structure") diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/packs/nvimtree.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/packs/nvimtree.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83326ea --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/packs/nvimtree.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +(import-macros {: setv!} :nvrc.macro.set) +(local {: setup} (require :nvim-tree)) + +(setv! nvim_tree_add_trailing 0) +(setv! nvim_tree_git_hl 1) +(setv! nvim_tree_highlight_opened_files 0) +(setv! nvim_tree_indent_markers 1) +(setv! nvim_tree_quit_on_open 0) +(setv! nvim_tree_root_folder_modifier + (table.concat {1 ":t:gs?$?/.." 2 (string.rep " " 1000) 3 "?:gs?^??"})) +(setv! nvim_tree_window_picker_exclude + {:filetype {1 :notify 2 :packer 3 :qf} :buftype {1 :terminal}}) + +(setv! nvim_tree_show_icons {:folders 0 :files 0 :git 0 :folder_arrows 0}) + +; Nvimtree still shows folder icon despite folders being disabled +; Maybe the nvim_tree_show_icons option isn't really working? +(setv! nvim_tree_symlink_arrow " -> ") +(setv! nvim_tree_icons {:default "" + :symlink "~" + :git {:deleted :x + :ignored "?" + :renamed "->" + :staged "*" + :unmerged "!" + :unstaged "!" + :untracked "!"} + :folder {:default "+" + :empty "?" + :empty_open "-" + :open "-" + :symlink "~" + :symlink_open "~-"}}) + +(setup {:filters {:dotfiles false} + :disable_netrw true + :hijack_netrw true + :auto_close false + :open_on_tab false + :hijack_cursor true + :update_cwd true + :update_focused_file {:enable true :update_cwd false} + :view {:allow_resize true :side :left :width 25 :hide_root_folder true} + :git {:enable false :ignore false}}) diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/packs/telescope.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/packs/telescope.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f9eb0f --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/packs/telescope.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +(local telescope (require :telescope)) + +(telescope.setup {:defaults {:vimgrep_arguments {1 :rg + 2 :--color=never + 3 :--no-heading + 4 :--with-filename + 5 :--line-number + 6 :--column + 7 :--smart-case} + :prompt_prefix "Search: " + :selection_caret " " + :entry_prefix " " + :initial_mode :insert + :selection_strategy :reset + :sorting_strategy :ascending + :layout_strategy :horizontal + :layout_config {:horizontal {:prompt_position :top + :preview_width 0.55 + :results_width 0.8} + :vertical {:mirror false} + :width 0.87 + :height 0.8 + :preview_cutoff 120} + :file_sorter (. (require :telescope.sorters) + :get_fuzzy_file) + :file_ignore_patterns {1 :node_modules} + :generic_sorter (. (require :telescope.sorters) + :get_generic_fuzzy_sorter) + :path_display {1 :truncate} + :winblend 0 + :border {} + :borderchars {1 "─" + 2 "│" + 3 "─" + 4 "│" + 5 "╭" + 6 "╮" + 7 "╯" + 8 "╰"} + :use_less false + :set_env {:COLORTERM :truecolor} + :file_previewer (. (require :telescope.previewers) + + :grep_previewer (. (require :telescope.previewers) + + :qflist_previewer (. (require :telescope.previewers) +}}) + +(telescope.load_extension :terms) diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/packs/treesitter.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/packs/treesitter.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e02ae5 --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/packs/treesitter.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +(local {: setup} (require :nvim-treesitter.configs)) + +(local colors (require :nvrc.colors)) + +(setup {:ensure_installed [:fennel :lua] + :highlight {:enable true} + :indent {:enable true} + :refactor {:highlight_definitions {:enable true} + :highlight_current_scope {:enable false} + :smart_rename {:enable true + :keymaps {:smart_rename :rn}} + :navigation {:enable true + :keymaps {:goto_definition :gd + :list_definitions :ld + :list_definitions_toc :td + :goto_next_usage : + :goto_previous_usage ""}}} + :textobjects {:select {:enable true + :lookahead true + :keymaps {:if "@function.inner" + :af "@function.outer" + :ic "@class.inner" + :ac "@class.outer" + :ia "@parameter.inner" + :aa "@parameter.outer"}} + :swap {:enable true + :swap_next {:> "@parameter.inner"} + :swap_previous {:< "@parameter.inner"}}} + :matchup {:enable true}}) diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/utils.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/utils.fnl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6812c0c --- /dev/null +++ b/fnl/nvrc/utils.fnl @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +(fn tbl? [x] + (= :table (type x))) + +(fn count [xs] + (if (tbl? xs) (table.maxn xs) + (not xs) 0 + (length xs))) + +(fn run! [f xs] + "Execute the function (for side effects) for every xs." + (when xs + (let [nxs (count xs)] + (when (> nxs 0) + (for [i 1 nxs] + (f (. xs i))))))) + +(fn reduce [f init xs] + "Reduce xs into a result by passing each subsequent value into the fn with + the previous value as the first arg. Starting with init." + (var result init) + (run! (fn [x] + (set result (f result x))) xs) + result) + +(fn merge! [base ...] + (reduce (fn [acc m] + (when m + (each [k v (pairs m)] + (tset acc k v))) + acc) (or base {}) [...])) + +(fn merge [...] + (merge! {} ...)) + +(fn lsp_fidget [] + "Simple implementation of LSP fidget. Returns current LSP status with a spinner" + (let [lsp (. (vim.lsp.util.get_progress_messages) 1)] + (when lsp + (let [msg (or lsp.message "") + percentage (or lsp.percentage 0) + title (or lsp.title "") + spinners {1"⠋" 2 "⠙" 3 "⠹" 4 "⠸" 5 "⠼" 6 "⠴" 7 "⠦" 8 "⠧" 9 "⠇" 10 "⠏"} + success-icon "^.^!" + ms (/ (vim.loop.hrtime) 1000000) + frame (% (math.floor (/ ms 120)) (length spinners))] + (when (>= percentage 70) + (let [ertn [(string.format " %%<%s %s %s (%s%%%%) " + success-icon + title msg + percentage)]] + (lua "return (table.unpack or _G.unpack)(ertn)"))) + (let [ertn [(string.format " %%<%s %s %s (%s%%%%) " + (. spinners + (+ frame 1)) + title msg + percentage)]] + (lua "return (table.unpack or _G.unpack)(ertn)"))))) "") + +(fn will_it_fit [width winid] + "Returns whether this module will fit in the given width" + (> (vim.api.nvim_win_get_width (or (tonumber winid) 0)) width)) + +(fn close_buf [force] + "ojroques/nvim-bufdel 'BSD-2'" + (let [opts {:next :cycle :quit false}] + (fn switch-buffer [windows buf] + (let [cur-win (vim.fn.winnr)] + (each [_ winid (ipairs windows)] + (set-forcibly! winid (or (tonumber winid) 0)) + (vim.cmd (string.format "%d wincmd w" (vim.fn.win_id2win winid))) + (vim.cmd (string.format "buffer %d" buf))) + (vim.cmd (string.format "%d wincmd w" cur-win)))) + + (fn get-next-buf [buf] + (var next (vim.fn.bufnr "#")) + (when (and (= :alternate) (= (vim.fn.buflisted next) 1)) + (lua "return next")) + (for [i 0 (- (vim.fn.bufnr "$") 1) 1] + (set next (+ (% (+ buf i) (vim.fn.bufnr "$")) 1)) + (when (= (vim.fn.buflisted next) 1) + (lua "return next")))) + + (local buf (vim.fn.bufnr)) + (when (= (vim.fn.buflisted buf) 0) + (vim.cmd :close) + (lua "return ")) + (when (< (length (vim.fn.getbufinfo {:buflisted 1})) 2) + (when opts.quit + (if force (vim.cmd :qall!) (vim.cmd "confirm qall")) + (lua "return ")) + (local (term _) + (pcall (fn [] + (vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var buf :term_type)))) + (when term + (vim.cmd (string.format "setlocal nobl" buf)) + (vim.cmd :enew) + (lua "return ")) + (vim.cmd :enew) + (vim.cmd :bp)) + (local next-buf (get-next-buf buf)) + (local windows (. (. (vim.fn.getbufinfo buf) 1) :windows)) + (if (or force (= (vim.fn.getbufvar buf :&buftype) :terminal)) + (let [(term type) (pcall (fn [] + (vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var buf :term_type)))] + (if term + (if (= type :wind) + (do + (vim.cmd (string.format "%d bufdo setlocal nobl" buf)) + (vim.cmd :BufferLineCycleNext)) + (let [cur-win (vim.fn.winnr)] + (vim.cmd (string.format "%d wincmd c" cur-win)) + (lua "return "))) + (do + (switch-buffer windows next-buf) + (vim.cmd (string.format "bd! %d" buf))))) + (do + (switch-buffer windows next-buf) + (vim.cmd (string.format "silent! confirm bd %d" buf)))) + (when (= (vim.fn.buflisted buf) 1) + (switch-buffer windows buf)))) + +(fn defer_unpack [pack after] + (when pack + (set-forcibly! after (or after 0)) + (vim.defer_fn (fn [] ((. (require :packer) :loader) pack)) after))) + +{: merge : lsp_fidget : will_it_fit : close_buf : defer_unpack} -- cgit 1.4.1