(fn tbl? [x] (= :table (type x))) (fn count [xs] (if (tbl? xs) (table.maxn xs) (not xs) 0 (length xs))) (fn run! [f xs] "Execute the function (for side effects) for every xs." (when xs (let [nxs (count xs)] (when (> nxs 0) (for [i 1 nxs] (f (. xs i))))))) (fn reduce [f init xs] "Reduce xs into a result by passing each subsequent value into the fn with the previous value as the first arg. Starting with init." (var result init) (run! (fn [x] (set result (f result x))) xs) result) (fn merge! [base ...] (reduce (fn [acc m] (when m (each [k v (pairs m)] (tset acc k v))) acc) (or base {}) [...])) (fn merge [...] (merge! {} ...)) (fn lsp_fidget [] "Simple implementation of LSP fidget. Returns current LSP status with a spinner" (let [lsp (. (vim.lsp.util.get_progress_messages) 1)] (when lsp (let [msg (or lsp.message "") percentage (or lsp.percentage 0) title (or lsp.title "") spinners ["⠋" "⠙" "⠹" "⠸" "⠼" "⠴" "⠦" "⠧" "⠇" "⠏"] success-icon "^.^!" ms (/ (vim.loop.hrtime) 1000000) frame (% (math.floor (/ ms 120)) (length spinners))] (when (>= percentage 70) (let [ertn [(string.format " %%<%s %s %s (%s%%%%) " success-icon title msg percentage)]] (lua "return (table.unpack or _G.unpack)(ertn)"))) (let [ertn [(string.format " %%<%s %s %s (%s%%%%) " (. spinners (+ frame 1)) title msg percentage)]] (lua "return (table.unpack or _G.unpack)(ertn)"))))) "") (fn will_it_fit [width winid] "Returns whether this module will fit in the given width" (> (vim.api.nvim_win_get_width (or (tonumber winid) 0)) width)) (fn del_buf [] (let [buflisted (vim.fn.getbufinfo {:buflisted 1}) (cur-winnr cur-bufnr) (values (vim.fn.winnr) (vim.fn.bufnr))] (when (< (length buflisted) 2) (vim.cmd "confirm qall") (lua "return ")) (each [_ winid (ipairs (. (. (vim.fn.getbufinfo cur-bufnr) 1) :windows))] (vim.cmd (string.format "%d wincmd w" (vim.fn.win_id2win winid))) (vim.cmd (or (and (= cur-bufnr (. (. buflisted (length buflisted)) :bufnr)) :bp) :bn))) (vim.cmd (string.format "%d wincmd w" cur-winnr)) (local is-terminal (= (vim.fn.getbufvar cur-bufnr :&buftype) :terminal)) (vim.cmd (or (and is-terminal "bd! #") "silent! confirm bd #")))) (fn defer_unpack [pack after] (when pack (set-forcibly! after (or after 0)) (vim.defer_fn (fn [] ((. (require :packer) :loader) pack)) after))) {: merge : lsp_fidget : will_it_fit : del_buf : defer_unpack}