+++ title = "About" path = "about" [extra] raw = true +++ ## About me Hi, I'm **sefidel** (sef). - PGP: 8BDF DFB5 6842 2393 82A0   441B 9238 BC70 9E05 516A - Email: [contact@sefidel.net][email] [sef@exotic.sh][email-secondary] - Fediverse: [@sefidel@exotic.sh][fedi-exotic] (en-GB, ja-JP) [@sefidel@stella.place][fedi-stella] (ko-KR) - Matrix: [@sef:exotic.sh][matrix] [@sefidel:nixos.dev][matrix-secondary] (for FOSS use only) - Timezone: UTC+0900 - Languages: English (en-GB), Korean (ko-KR), Japanese (ja-JP) My main interests are low-level systems, compilers, distributed computing, microservices and security. Feel free to contact me on Matrix (preferred) or email! I'm also on IRC as `sefidel` (Libera, OFTC). Most of my works can be found on [exotic.sh git][git-exotic], [GitHub][git-github], and on [SourceHut][git-srht]. ## System I mainly use MacBook Air M1 (2020) for development, as my NixOS workstation's CPU cooler is currently defunct. I use Nix for my system configuration, and my nixrc can be found [here][nixrc]. You should be able to find configurations for most of the software I use there. My favourite choice of text editor is Neovim, and the configuration for it can be found [here][nvimrc]. It's not managed with Nix, since Nix doesn't have decent Lua config support (yet). Plus, I sometimes have to use this configuration on non-nix systems. If you're going to use this configuration, keep in mind that it looks best with a bitmap font like [Dina]. [email]: mailto:contact@sefidel.net [email-secondary]: mailto:sef@exotic.sh [matrix]: https://matrix.to/#/@sef:exotic.sh [matrix-secondary]: https://matrix.to/#/@sefidel:nixos.dev [fedi-exotic]: https://social.exotic.sh/sefidel [fedi-stella]: https://stella.place/@sefidel [git-exotic]: https://git.exotic.sh/pub/sefidel [git-github]: https://github.com/sefidel [git-srht]: https://sr.ht/~sefidel [nixrc]: https://git.exotic.sh/pub/sefidel/nixrc [nvimrc]: https://git.exotic.sh/pub/sefidel/nvimrc [Dina]: https://www.dcmembers.com/jibsen/download/61