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path: root/fnl/nvrc/macro/keymap.fnl
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Diffstat (limited to 'fnl/nvrc/macro/keymap.fnl')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fnl/nvrc/macro/keymap.fnl b/fnl/nvrc/macro/keymap.fnl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a784ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fnl/nvrc/macro/keymap.fnl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(local {: gmatch} string)
+(local {: insert} table)
+(local {: fn?} (require :nvrc.macro.toolkit))
+(fn ->str [x]
+  (tostring x))
+(fn nil? [x]
+  (= nil x))
+(fn str? [x]
+  (= :string (type x)))
+(fn tbl? [x]
+  (= :table (type x)))
+(lambda map! [[modes & options] lhs rhs ?desc]
+  "Defines a new mapping using the lua API.
+  Supports all the options that the API supports."
+  (assert-compile (sym? modes) "expected symbol for modes" modes)
+  (assert-compile (tbl? options) "expected table for options" options)
+  (assert-compile (str? lhs) "expected string for lhs" lhs)
+  (assert-compile (or (str? rhs) (list? rhs) (fn? rhs) (sym? rhs))
+                  "expected string or list or function or symbol for rhs" rhs)
+  (assert-compile (or (nil? ?desc) (str? ?desc))
+                  "expected string or nil for description" ?desc)
+  (let [modes (icollect [char (gmatch (->str modes) ".")]
+                char)
+        options (collect [_ v (ipairs options)]
+                  (->str v)
+                  true)
+        rhs (if (and (not (fn? rhs)) (list? rhs)) `#,rhs rhs)
+        desc (if (and (not ?desc) (or (fn? rhs) (sym? rhs))) (view rhs) ?desc)
+        options (if desc (doto options (tset :desc desc)) options)]
+    `(vim.keymap.set ,modes ,lhs ,rhs ,options)))
+(lambda mapb! [[modes & options] lhs rhs ?description]
+  "Defines a new mapping using the lua API.
+  Supports all the options that the API supports.
+  Automatically sets the `:buffer` option."
+  (let [options (doto options
+                  (insert :buffer))]
+    (map! [modes (unpack options)] lhs rhs ?description)))
+{: map! : mapb!}